Monday, October 10, 2011

failed argument steeped in logical fallacy

""Bringing history into the mix is NOT my argument. My argument is strictly NEEDS and VALUE based. History only brings things into context. The Federal Reserve was established about 100 years ago by Wilson, Gold standard dropped by Nixon, and all in between and NOW all the sudden we have people protesting the man. Things are bad, don't get me wrong, but they aren't THAT bad....well, not yet anyway. These next 12 months will definitely be one for the history books. Regardless, how is the general concept of "greed" (which is completely RELATIVE) warrent violence? I know things aren't violent yet, but all the great protests/revolutions have ended with bloodshed."""

You didn't bring history into your "The world has always been unfair. THEREFORE it can never change nor should we try" That's not history it's a failed argument steeped in logical fallacy.

Things are very bad.

perspective helps. How old are you? What do you do for a living? Did you grow up in wealth? Atheist or theist?

Perception is reality. Where you come from/what you are helps define your perceptions. It's relevant this "Debate" or whatever.

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